
Welcome to our Busted House

Today we ripped up 427 sq. feet of flooring down to the bare, rotten studs. This included tearing up two smelly wall-to-wall carpets (two rooms), finding a plywood floor underneath, ripping that up, finding a hardwood floor underneath, and ripping that up.

Well, anyway, it was a busy day but so is every day at "This Busted House." This beautiful July day we are, if you haven't noticed, in the middle of a recession and I and my chap are, if you don't know us, young, poor, and trying to start our lives. Altogether, it's one of the best places to be during a recession--we have nothing ergo we have nothing to lose.

So, while we have no money to start our lives, we have time. We're living in a fixer-upper that shows us, each week, a new horrid flaw. My dad owns it, and we plan to buy it from him at below market value (but not terribly below) and hope to take advantage of the First-Time Home Buyer Tax Credit if we can get a foundation under it, make it insurable, get a mortgage (at incredible recession rates) and buy it before December 1, 2009.

If we can, we get enough money from Uncle Obama to pay our mortgage for a year. If not.... well... the future will still be there when we get there.

We've done a lot in the past year, so over the next few days as I get used to this medium, I'll post what we have so far and continue forward. Perhaps we'll provide hope for other young homeowners, perhaps horror to professional home-builders who think we're insane, perhaps humour to our loved ones who read this, perhaps none of the above. But I think it'll be fun.

Until next time....

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